For 2 teams, age 7+

about The Best of Kids
Why should adults have all the cool board games with fascinating and funny questions – of course, they shouldn’t! So here comes Best of Kids, the LOGO game created especially for kids, and - if they behave – maybe the adults can join in.
Packed with stuff you know and, even better, stuff you didn’t know you knew – Best of Kids is not a tedious trivia game, it’s full of fun! “Which letter of the alphabet sounds like a small, green vegetable?”, “What four words do most fairy stories start with?”, “Which day of the Christmas Holidays sounds like it was named after a sport?” There are over 1,000 Pot Luck, Picture and Themed questions especially for KIDS! With anything from sport to music, Disney to Dinosaurs or science to snacks. Playing is our brains’ favourite way of learning - so open up Best of Kids and let the learning and games begin!
- 252 Question Cards
- 12 Action Cards
- Playing Board
- 2 Playing Pieces
- Instructions
To find out where to buy in the UK please click here to visit the UK Drumond Park website.
"Great edition for kids of all ages from 7 up. Nice to have a board game to play over Xmas for all the family."
"Great product. My grandchildren love this game,its proved very popular, well worth buying for great family fun."
"7 year old loves this as he can answer the questions mostly by himself. Good team game."
"Played at Christmas, questions were very good for all of us and the children loved being able to answer before the adults. Brilliant."
"Bought this game for my grandchildren. The whole family (3 generations) ended up playing this game. We had such a laugh."
"Enjoyed playing this with the kids. Questions geared to them so they have just as much chance of winning as the adults. Good fun."